Anonymous Theater Art Group
Bail Us Out
Wall Street, New York, NY (October 2008 - April 2010)
Satirizing the bank bail outs we periodically pretended to be financial workers busking for money outside the New York Stock Exchange. I juggled and twisted balloons into odd shapes while my coconspirators sang opera, jumped on a pogo stick, and tooted on a trumpet. For two years we told tourists, journalists, and police that we were unemployed bankers and hedge fund managers. Numerous major news outlets including The Wall Street Journal, C-SPAN, AM New York, Metro New York, Reuters, and Yahoo News, reported that as fact..

Matthew Craig - The Wall Street Journal

Michael Nagle - The Wall Street Journal

Timothy Clary - Agence France-Presse

James Leynse - Getty Images

James Leynse - Getty Images

Spencer Platt - Getty Images

Spencer Platt - Getty Images

Shannon Stapleton - Reuters

J.B. Nicholas - Metro

Army of Fun
Times Square Armed Forces Recruiting Center, New York, NY (May 2010)
Subverting the romanticization of military recruiting advertisements, we situated ourselves in front of the Times Square Armed Forces Career Center and satirically attempted to enlist children into the Army of Fun.

Brennan Cavanaugh

Brennan Cavanaugh

Brennan Cavanaugh

Brennan Cavanaugh

Brennan Cavanaugh

Brennan Cavanaugh

Brennan Cavanaugh

Brennan Cavanaugh

Brennan Cavanaugh

Brennan Cavanaugh

Brennan Cavanaugh

Brennan Cavanaugh

Brennan Cavanaugh

Brennan Cavanaugh