The United States vs. PVT Chelsea Manning

The United States vs. Pvt. Chelsea Manning

A Graphic Account from Inside the Courtroom

Drawing and writing in real time from inside the courtroom, artist and WikiLeaks activist Clark Stoeckley here captures first-hand the extraordinary drama of The United States vs. Private Chelsea Manning, one of the most important and secretive trials in American history.

In the course of the trial, Private Manning insists that her release of the Iraq and Afghanistan war logs to WikiLeaks was an act of conscience, justified by the urgent need to reveal to the world the atrocities committed by the US military in the ostensible cause of freedom. At the prosecution table, military lawyers for the American government seek to set an example and discourage future whistleblowers by locking away Manning for decades, possibly the rest of her life.

Stoeckley’s vivid sketches from inside the court and beyond, together with carefully selected transcripts of the proceedings, trace the arguments as they move back and forth between the defence and the prosecution. His rendering of the trial provides both a vital record and a uniquely compelling read. Order Here


Chelsea Manning Support Network

As the Visual Coordinator for the Manning Support Network I designed and produced stickers, posters, and banners for rallies at the entrance to the base. After several failed attempts to get Shepard Fairey on board I decided to adapt his “Andre the Giant has a Posse” and “Make Art Not War” designs for the campaign. 

The Global Intelligence Files Court Proceedings

In 2011 Anonymous hackers seized control of the website of geopolitical intelligence company Stratfor and leaked their internal emails to WikiLeaks who then published them. The emails revealed Stratfor's surveillance of activist groups such as Occupy Wall Street and protestors of the Bhopal disaster, including the Yes Men. I was hired by VICE to draw the hearings of hackers Jeremey Hammond and Hector Xavier Monsegur, as well as, journalist Barrett Brown who researched the leaks. 


Wikileaks Truck

In 2010 WikiLeaks was deemed a national security threat by the United States Government and dismissed as not being a real journalistic organization despite a perfect record of accuracy in reporting. I felt maybe a news van would give them some validity or at least bring a little humor to the situation. Aside from being just a large sign, the truck functioned as a meeting place for citizen journalists and transportation of food and supplies during Occupy Wall Street. While covering Chelsea Manning’s trial I was allowed to drive it on to Fort Meade – home of the NSA and numerous other intelligence and defense agencies – with a police escort. I never asked WikiLeaks if I could use their name and logo, so for several months I was concerned they might not like it. Luckily Julian Assange loved the concept and hired me to expand the project to a fleet of dozens of vehicles around the world.


Chess Draw


Average World